April 8, 1938 - January 26, 2017 Gerald "Jerry" Fecht was
born in Mexico, Missouri, the fifth child of Mildred Crites Fecht and William Thomas Fecht. He was the beloved baby boy in a large Catholic family who came to California in his teens to pursue opportunities for a better life. His Catholic education lead him to Notre Dame High School, through Los Angeles Valley College, and into USC where he earned Bachelor's, Master's and PhD degrees. Jerry met the love of his life, Janne Shreves Fecht, while they were studying for their teaching credentials; they were married for 49 years and raised two sons, Brendan and Damon. "Dr. Jerry" enjoyed a long and much heralded career as a professor at Moorpark College where he guided countless students and helped them achieve their dreams. In retirement, Jerry founded The Museum of the San Fernando Valley, volunteered for AIDS/LifeCycle, enjoyed time with his grandchildren, and explored every inch of Los Angeles, the city he loved so dearly. On January 26, 2017 he lost his long battle with Amyloidosis at the age of 78. Jerry is survived by his wife Janne, his sons Brendan and Damon, his daughter-in-law Rebecca, his grandchildren Jake and Emily, and his brother Robert. - See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/latimes/obituary.aspx?n=gerald-richard-fecht&pid=183779477&fhid=4504&eid=sp_ommatch#sthash.UCUZmifx.dpuf